We woke at 0300 at our tropical (and very Queensland like) campsite, Cola De Mono located at a warm temperature town called Santa Teresa. David whispered in my ear “happy birthday bubba”. Yes, it was my birthday and what a way to spend it. Visiting Machu Picchu… ????...
We had everything organised the night before, SENA Bluetooth’s charged, alarm set, bike clothes out and ready to throw on and food supplies packed on the bike. After having an enjoyable last evening cooking some beef ribs on the BBQ at Colibri Camping Eco Lodge we...
You know the saying “everything happens for a reason” and “A negative situation should always be turned into a positive situation”, on this part of our journey both sayings apply… We have been in La Paz for about four weeks now, not that I’m counting… quite allot...
Getting on the bus with the other twelve people about to mountain bike down Death Road I am feeling a bunch of different emotions, excited because its something I have had on my bucket list for a long time, happy because I am about to share this adventure with David,...
After staying two and a half days in San Pedro David and I both started to get itchy feet, so decided to head off to Iquique which is on the northern coast of Chile, to the west of the Atacama Desert. Don’t get me wrong, we loved San Pedro. The hostel we stayed...