My First Challenge..

Written By Morieson

January 16, 2017

Well today is my first challenge with many to come… Today is the last day I will have my long (well medium length..) hair, my security blanket!! Tomorrow I will be cutting it all off for the sake of this once in a lifetime travel adventure and I have to say that I am feeling a bunch of mixed emotions. Excited because its something new and the fact that we have been planning this travel adventure for so long now, I can’t believe that it is actually happening but also scared shitless, I mean for christ sake its my hair and I’m a chick who cares about this kind of thing…

So I will enjoy every last-minute and run my fingers through my hair today as tomorrow I could quite frankly resemble a boy or a girl with really short hair… 🙂

From Long to Short….. Not to bad…..